Barbera del Monferrato

Sweets and wines of Liguria

There are many typical Ligurian sweets, hereinafter the best known, including the Genoese Panettone called Pandolce , different from that of Milan in consistency and ingredients.

Laganaccio biscuits In November, sweets made with chestnut flour can be tasted, while Canestrelli and Amaretti di Sassello , Gavenola and Torriglia are produced all year round. To taste the B aces of Sanremo and Alassio and the biscuits of the Genoese and Pontedassio Lagaccio and in Ventimiglia the Barbagiuai with pumpkin are produced.

Rose syrup in Valle Scrivia is part of a tradition linked to the past: it is produced with the petals of roses grown in vegetable gardens and gardens and, while in winter it was used to soothe bronchitis, in summer served with water fresh is used to quench your thirst.

Finally, the Tiglieto jams and candied fruit and violet flowers in Genoa are well known; In addition, honey is produced in all the valleys of the region.

The wines of Liguria

The morphology of the Ligurian territory, for centuries, has forced man to fight with nature to make the land cultivable, however, the wines of Liguria have been known and delicious since Roman times, such as the white of the Cinqueterre , and today they are eight DOC wines and three typical geographical indications (ITG).

Glass of wine The oldest DOC of the region is the Rossese di Dolceacqua which it seems that Napoleon was in love with, while the youngest is the Ormeasco di Pornassio , a variant of the Dolcetto di Piemonte. Both are found in the DOC Riviera di Ponente , between Imperia and Savona , with the rare Roccese and the whites Vermentino and Pigato .

The red Granaccia and the whites Lumassina , Mataossu and Buzzetto are produced on the Savonesi Hills (ITG). In Val Polcevera (DOC), Bianchetta Genovese and Bianco di Coronata , while in the Gulf of Tigullio (DOC), reds Ciliegiolo and Musaico and whites Vermentino , Moscato and Bianchetta , similar to the production of ITG Colline del Genovesato .

In the Gulf of Poets (ITG) and in the Levanto Hills (DOC), in the province of La Spezia , Albarola and Vermentino are produced almost as in the Cinqueterre DOC, where the renowned Sciacchetrà (passito) and the Cinqueterre, white and dry , grow.

The DOC Colli di Luni produces a well-known Vermentino and the red of Pollera , but also the Tuscan Sangiovese, Ciliegiolo nero and Canaiolo , and finally the refined and precious whites , Marea, Albachiara and Grappolo.